Hi... Thought I would let you know a work around. It is a bit convoluted, but it works!
We have a local shop and also the Vet club which we buy a lot of varied product from, and I want to split the transaction into multiple categories. They both send monthly statements out in PDF form.
This is how I construct a CSV file so that all the lines can be picked up by Focus.
  1. Download statement
  2. Open file using Word
  3. Open old, already loaded transaction file (I use a PGG rile) in excel.
  4. Copy transaction lines from Word file and paste into the PGG csv excel file (beneath the previous transactions... leave them there until you have checked everything)
  5. Make all the columns correspond... i.e. copy and paste to get the amount and description into the right column
  6. Make sure there are no merged cells
  7. delete all non-transaction lines (e.g. summaries, invoice totals etc) and of course the old PGG lines... but leave the column headings.
  8. Save as a CSV file
  9. Go into Focus, download file as a "PGG" file (or rural co or farmsource... whatever the original transaction file you used was).
  10. Make sure the statement date is correct and CHANGE THE OTHER PARTY NAME
  11. Upload and code as normal for "PGG"!
Saves me a lot of paper, pencils, and head scratching! And of course you can use coding rules as well.