Gina Lockwood
When using wool code wants to have a weight option for the wool
Make shearing an Event option
Tallies running across per month as a option in livestock
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Michael & Kate Tosswill
Would like to see a multiplier added to the wool code in budgeting module.
Would be really handy to have X number of ewes, clipping X number of kgs, times X price per kg.
Makes it easier to come back to too and work out any pricing changes.
Stephanie Farm Focus
I want to be able to my kgs in the EFS report. I can enter quantities in the invoice/transaction but it doesn't pull through to the EFS.
Jo - Farm Focus
Diane Playle Gina Lockwood
Thank you for your feedback. Livestock tallies per month in the grid is coming soon.
Can you please elaborate on shearing as an event?
What would the event provide you that the shearing code doesn't?
In regards to having a weight option for wool can you also elaborate?