User Access restrictions / professionals access
kevin ferris
I need to be able to give a user access to a third party so they can view the Needs Action area only to code invoices, I do not want them to see my bank transactions or cashflow. It would be great if we could grant access to certain areas only.
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Karrinjeet Singh-Mahil
I totally agree. Being able to give access to certain areas would be great. It is what we had in Cash Manager.
Grace - Farm Focus
Millie - Farm Focus
It would be good to have an access level for members of staff / bank manager where they cannot see all the finer details of personal expenditure. Not necessarily anything to hide but wanting to maintain a level of privacy.
Farm focus
Merged in a post:
Refining Access Ability
Andrew Rogers
Hi F.Focus...Just got off phone to accountants, their admin office needs access to "Organisational Access" to be able to change accountants codes etc.
My concern is that Focus access levels are too broad. Our accountants need to be able to access and work with their "accountant codes" WITHOUT access ability to make changes to "farm codes" or Budget plans ---- this is a concern to me.
Carly Whiting
we have farm Managers that we would like to give access but filter out some information
Jo - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Organisation Admin able to give Organisation Admin role access to others
Nicola Manchester
Accountants offices really need to be able to give higher level user rights than restricted access. We need to be able to give staff access to Settings to be able to map codes without giving staff access to our office-wide database.
Hi Richard, User access improvements are in our feature backlog, we are taking user feedback on board and will keep you updated on progress.
Thank you for your feedback, we do have some work planned around user access in our Feature Backlog and we will ensure your suggestions are added. We will keep you updated on progress.
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