Split invoice line
Rowland Ambler
It would be great to be able to manually split an invoice line via the 3 dots on the invoice line you want to split. For example in a Farmlands invoice you could split the FMG charged amount into a personal and a business amount. This amount varies often as the insurance premiums can change.
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Natalie Masters
I'd like this ! sometimes I have an item that needs to split but is never the same item or same invoice so a rule wouldn't work. be nice to be able to split by percentage for a one off invoice line (like we used to be able to do in rural)
Mikayla - Farm Focus
Hi Rowland, thank you for your feedback.
I will keep this post open to gauge support from other users.
You can have code split rules setup for the codes you will use for anything needing to be split to a business and personal amount.
Please see the below article on how to set these up.
Jessicah Win
Mikayla - Farm Focus I really want this feature too. We have a farm which is run as two smaller farms, but some costs need to be apportioned to the two different entities. Setting up a coding rule for the code won't work because the code is sometimes used for our third farm. An example is the rates invoice- it needs to be split across the two dairy platform tags 28/72 but the next invoice to code is the rates for the runoff block which goes straight to a third tag, so I wouldn't want it to run an automatic split.