Donna Lill
Can we please have the ability to import the Ravensdown Statement as was possible in CashManager? I'm currently having to manually add 24 lines for this month.....
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Mikayla - Farm Focus
Hi, You can now import a Ravensdown CSV file into Farm Focus. Find out more: https://help.farmfocus.nz/en/articles/1850413-how-to-import-your-pgg-wrightson-ruralco-or-ravensdown-statement
Mikayla - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Ravensdown statement import
Donna Lill
Hi, can we have Ravensdown statement import via csv? as was available in Cash Manager Rural.
Mikayla - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Ravensdown Import
David Wright
My request is not so much a for new feature but to reinstate the old Ravensdown import.
Mikayla - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Ravensdown Supplier Invoice
Hamish Irwin
Please add Ravensdown to supplier invoice download to import their invoices, like it was in CMR.
Farm focus
Hi David, this is on our enhancement backlog to have a direct feed with Ravensdown. We will keep you informed for when this is available.
Farm focus
Hi Donna, it is on our enhancement backlog to have a direct feed with Ravensdown. We will keep you informed for when this is available.