Notes not able to use enter
Linda Hammerich
when entering additional notes on an invoice it doesn't recognise the enter. It runs it all together and looks ugly and hard to read
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Mikayla - Farm Focus
You can now use enter in the additional notes field of a Tax Invoice to create a list that will be displayed on the Invoice.
Mikayla - Farm Focus
in progress
Jo - Farm Focus
Mikayla - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Set out of Note Page
rachel tod
Would like the note page to hold individual lines rather than running like one sentence
Colin van der Geest
YES this is TERRIBLE!!!! You need the ability to start a new line of text in the additional notes. PLEASE CHANGE THIS!!!!
Barbara Wilson
Often used this feature in CMR & was great to be able to give more detail to both the accountant & the Directors but it has to be readable if to be of any use.
Sarah at Farm Focus
Hi Rachel. Can you please provide a little more detail? Are you talking about when you add a note to a line item in an invoice or transaction? Or somewhere else? When you add a note to a line item in an invoice or transaction you can use the enter/return key on your keyboard to go to the next line. I've attached a screenshot as an example. This will however print as one line in reports for layout and space purposes.
rachel tod
Sarah at Farm Focus: hi Sarah. It is the printing in one continuous line that is the problem. The setting out in rows is for the convenience and understanding for our clients