Auto open next line in transactions
Jan Holl
Can you make it so that a new line opens automatically when there is a remainder to be coded please (like in Rural)?
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Pattie O'Boyle
This would be especially helpful when coding a Credit Card statement. Often there are multiple lines, which are not necessarily suit coding rules, and having to manually "Add Line" each time is beyond painful. Surely if there's residual balance to be coded, it's obvious that another line is required. Being able to hit ENTER after the $ amount could automatically create the next new line?
Jo - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Splitting items on a supplier invoice
Jacinta Schmack
When coding items for a supplier for example ruralco when coding part of an invoice the balance does not create a new line to code the difference you have to go to the end of the invoice and add a new line to code - could this create an add a line straight under the coded difference as per Cash manager rural?
Jo - Farm Focus
Katrina Geddes
Or that you can 'tab' to automatically add another line rather than having to click Add Line
Jane Pearce
It would be so much faster and helpful to have a new line available straight under the line you are working on if you are splitting the cost between codes. e.g. Farmlands download, I don't appear to have the option to "fill the gaps" which would give me the option to insert immediately below the line in question, but at the moment if splitting a transaction cost say on Page 1, the balance of that amount goes to the last page which can be Page 7, which doesn't keep the split amounts in the same area. This is very time consuming on a large data base waiting for the pages to reload back to where you were on Page 1.
Also when looking back later, the splits are not straight under each other and is causing confusion that they haven't been done if another staff member is looking at it.
Farm focus
Hi Phill - when you are coding your lines and would like to see the remaining balance all you need to do is Add New Line and put in a code, the remaining balance will generate in the amount once the code is added.
Phill Hunt
Farm focus: my point is not having click add new line. It should be assumed if there is a remaining balance.
Farm focus
HI Jacinta, thank you for your feedback. We have recently included many enhancements to our coding process. We will look to add this option as well.
Sarah at Farm Focus
Jenny Morrison
This just all takes longer
Sarah at Farm Focus
Hi Jan. Thank you for your feedback and suggestion which I have noted for our discussions on new features and enhancements.
In the meantime, the remainder to be coded will automatically populate the line amount when a new line is added and a code is entered.
Jenny Morrison
Sarah at Farm Focus: No it doesn't, I have to look down the bottom to find the amount left to code
Sarah at Farm Focus
Jenny Morrison: The application is designed to work like this so if it's not working for you could you please call our support line on 0800 888 080 or send us a chat via the chat bubble in Focus so we can investigate further for you.
Just to clarify again how it should work. If you create a money out bank transaction for say $5000, when you enter a code on the first line it will code the whole $5000 to that line. If you then change the amount on that line to say $2500 and then add another line, once you add a code to this new line the line amount will automatically set to $2500
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