Attaching invoices / receipts to the Asset Register
Stephen Dill
Hi, it would be cool if you could attach receipts etc to the items in the asset register. It would be a great place for accountants etc to access info about assets purchased.
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Mikayla - Farm Focus
You can now add attachments to assets using the paperclip in the top right hand corner.
Please see the below article for further information.
Amelia Dale
Mikayla - Farm Focus Thank you so much, that’s awesome!! 🙌🏻
Mikayla - Farm Focus
in progress
Mikayla - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
Asset Register add document/attachment to Asset
Amelia Dale
It would be helpful if we could add a document/s to the item in the asset register? I know we can add it to the transaction however I was just wanting to attach the purchase invoices to the items in our asset register. Is this a function you could add do you think?
Zoe Tavendale
Agree - accountants/banks often ask for the docs although they have been attached to the transactions. Would be good to have ability to attach if wanted to. Also would like to have a few more columns in Asset Register when have ammortisation info. Great to have a snap shot of how many months left to pay back, monthly amounts... etc. Perhaps it could link through from when coding a Principle amount in the transactions?? Like the livestock does?? And to be able to attach contracts to the asset in asset register.
Brendon Harrex
A place for the likes of bank statements etc to be saved also would be helpful as well. Xero have a files section within there system where documents can be emailed to and essentially "filed" there for the accountant to then pick up
Jane McLennan
Hi, Thanks for your suggestion. I will pass this onto the development team for consideration. I will also keep this post open to gauge support from other users as this helps with the prioritisation process.
I'm sure you are aware that you can attach the receipt etc to the transaction when purchasing the Asset, using the drag and drop or browse function. Thanks for your ongoing custom.
Stephen Dill
Jane McLennan: yes well aware obviously. I just thought it would be a tidy place to have capital purchase receipts since accountants like to be able to view these at year end.
Jane McLennan
Stephen Dill: Yes. I think it's a good idea and will raise with the development team.
Jane McLennan I agree with this too, even better if you could link a transaction to the asset register. So you only enter the data once and if it's marked as an asset you can tick something to add it to the register too (with the depreciation rate/category etc too if that gets developed).