Allow more characters in invoice/transaction descriptions
Leonie Nugroho
There is currently a limit of 40 characters in invoice descriptions, can we please increase this to 200?
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Megan Clark
I have noticed we can now type over the 40 character limit but they don't seem to go anywhere - they disappear! I would prefer to have the limit back in place so at least you know when to use the additional notes section! I do see the characters total goes in to the negatives but that's not really helpful when you're typing or copying in a description. Even better would be if Farm Focus could automatically roll characters over the 40 limit into the additional notes section.
Sue Brown
Yes Please. Would like to add info without adding another line. Ideally a notes box option to add under each line.
Kylie Meredith
Merged in a post:
Alan Henderson
Need drop down box, so we can have lines for each code to click on
Katie - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
More description
Cindy Mackenzie
Can we get the ability to put in more detail in the invoice description?
Leonie Nugroho
Thanks JJ.
But can the description character limit please be increased?
Jo - Farm Focus
Hi Leonie,
You have the option to add an additional note from the three vertical dots on each line.
This gives you an additional 250 characters to use