Add Colours to Plans
Client has requested colouring be added to Plans so numbers can be read easily. This includes changing colours when opening a field and viewing actuals or planned items, change the top banner dark grey to another colour. Also use colouring (previously available in CMR) which easily displays the aging up of stock.
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Trish Spring
I agree two different colour on the budget ie blue and green
would be so helpful when reading budget /actuals
Millie - Farm Focus
Merged in a post:
cash flow
Roger Dickie NZ Ltd Dickie
If the main budget line could be bold or blue like in cash manager rural
Bevan Collie
yes please, perhaps have last years actuals a different colour from this years actuals, so tired farmers can see flick between often very similar budgets easily. Visuals cues like colour are very important ! Also the ability to highlight a cell with the cursor. check out lics minda programme, they offer different highlighting colours for farms to mark on the reports.
Jane McLennan
Merged in a post:
Budget Colour
John Larsen
When showing actuals vs budget can we have two completely different colours (say actuals in blue and budget in green) instead of just two different shades of grey?
Jane McLennan
Thanks for your feedback. I will pass it onto the development team for consideration. I will also keep this post open to gauge support from other users as this helps in the prioritisation process. Thanks for your ongoing support.
Sharon Muir
Just wondering if there has been any update on this - is colour coming. Can you give us a update of when this might happen
Sharon Muir
I would love to see the plan line to be blue so it is obvious which line is which when you are comparing two lines of data (comparison line) actuals over plan
Vicki Worker
too hard to view as they are when comparing 2 lots of data & also too may lines, Way harder to read them than in old CM - clients & advisors also find it difficult to read.
Sharon Muir
This is a great idea to distinguish budget to actuals.
Annie Cates
Feedback from user on the the colours, particularly in the Plan. Very grey on grey. He found Rural much easier to view and clearly see. It would be good to have some colour and clearer definition between totals, sections, categories, extended codes, end of year items, closing stock/opening stock and so on. Also very hard to view and clearly read the grid when line 2 is on.
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